|go text: || - project - [ technical ] - examples - links -
||topics: || - reasoning - two passes - still tiny - [ sitemaps ] - variables - accessibility -

SiteMap Generation

The sitemap is generated into the html variant of the htm sitefile. Therefore (a) your sitefile is named "site.htm" containing the layout decoration with an empty body block. The sitefile is the ~head~ of all other html pages. (b) the sitemap file is named "site.html" and it takes "site.htm" as the ~head~ and the ~body~ part is generated on the fly. It contains the list of files being generated by mksite.sh with some meta information attached.

A sitemap file is a good thing for your users to quickly find a very specific page they wish - it does list the pages not only by their shorthand name on the navigation bar but it also shows the long title as it was given to them in their htm source file.

A sitemap file is also good thing for the developer as it shows the long title as it will turn up at google. Most webspiders treat information in the title line and first header line as being of more importance than the rest of the text. They use it for classification of your documents.

In the tabbed examples I am putting the sitemap href as a section href on the navigation bar and also the upper left "current page" name is made hot to link to the sitemap. Even the page you are now looking at has a those two links to the sitemap file.

I am currently experimenting with two different sitemap layouts but the simple one seems to be still the best - showing the section/subsection relations, the last change date, and the long title of the page.

- common title prefix - sitemap -
* project  2004-04-18   Website Look And Feel Generator
- summary  2004-04-18   What is MKSITE.SH
- reasoning  2004-04-18   Why does MKSITE.SH exist
- usage  2004-04-18   How to use MKSITE.SH
* technical  2004-04-18   Developer Information
- example  2004-04-18   ...and it works
- two passes  2004-04-18   using two passes
- tiny bits  2004-04-18   MKSITE is small
* examples  2004-04-18   Examples of sitefiles
- horizontal  2004-04-18   Horizontal Navigation Bar
- vertical  2004-04-18   Vertical Navigation Bar
- tabbed  2004-04-18   Tabbed Vertical Navigation Bar
- multi section  2004-04-18   Multi Section Vertical Navigation Bar
* links  2004-04-18   Some Links And References
- some hints  2004-04-18   Some Additional Hints