|go text: || - project - technical - examples - [ links ] -
||topics: || - some hints - faq&issues - about me - site ~ - download -

Some Links And References

The mksite script had been in use for quite a time for some projects of mine around. However, some of them are still made with earlier version that the one presented here. I will convert them in the next weeks and months.

ZzipLib Project
The project to use first a head+body layout. Originally it was done with some sed-lines implanted in the makefile.
Largefile Problems
The one project that did need for decent layout originally. It took over some pieces of zziplib but soon was given a new view with shell-based script
University Homepage
My university homepage that has grown out of the 20 limit by now as well - and using the multi column view.
Geschichte des PC
"History of the PC", an old work now re-layouted with a simple horizontal sitefile.