<!--mksite:printerfriendly--> <a href="${printerfriendly:=site.htm}" title="printer friendly version"> <img alt="printer / text mode version" width="8" height="8" border="0" /></a>
That creates an intermediate printersitefile to contain definitions for horizontal navigation bars created out of the information for the access tree as given in the original sitefile. Those horizontal bars reflect the sect/subsect relations in a way most usable form for being navigated with a text mode browser (e.g. lynx) - in text mode the same "printerfriendly" page looks slightly different:
Note how there are little squares in the graphical view (if you look at
this page with a graphical browser) that will be replaced with some alt-texts
when using a textmode browser. These title-texts/alt-texts originally hint
for the sect/subsect relation (section
to topics:
to pages:
) but the first entry is slightly different
in textmode - it is named go text:
and the hot
link under it will actually jump down to right after the
header navigation block (here: jumping to lorem ipsum heading).
That variant is recommended by WAI texts
to help blind people to read the text with a text-to-speech machine
or a braille terminal i.e. purely linear starting with the first word
on the page. There it is best to have a first hotlink on the page that
should help to skip down to the main body text, and it should bear a caption
saying just that (like "skip down to text"). It is hinted to put it under
an invisible image so the graphical view representation is not spoiled
by the down-to-text hint. Actually I hope that "go text:" is identifying
this functionality as well. Technically, the hot link under "go text:"
skips to "#."
- as we have generated a little html anchor in
the print.html text as <a name="."></a>
marking the end of the header navigation block.
The "go text:" is the replacment for the img-square of the first
navigation line (for sections). The hotlink under the second img-square
(replaced by "topics:" in the text mode view) points back to the normal
sitefile representation for colored graphical browsers. It is the only
backlink to the original sitefile representation. On return it would be
best if there is a link to the text mode version in the graphical
sitefile represention. And there it is advisable to give it the
very same look of the (mksite.sh) generated little img-squares in the
print.html view. That's what the cut-n-paste text at the top of this
page is showing - to make a little <img>
no "src=" and size of 8x8. The very same thing generated into the
"*.print.html" header block for each sect/subsect navigation.
To expand on it, in the normal graphical sitefile representation you
should use two text replacement around the hotlink to the
"$printerfriendly" version. - The alt-text replacement of the
tag is only seen with text mode browsers,
so we let it read as "(go to) printer / text mode version"
(it is a hot link by the surrounding <a href>
For the surrounding href we set a "title=" attribute however - modern
browsers will present it as a little (yellow) popup text when
hovering the mouse pointer over it. Here we set the hint for a
functionality most useful to people with graphical browsers, it
says "(go to) printer friendly version". That's because
the generated "*.print.html" has less colors and no big shadowed
navigation bar.
Note that our printerfriendly mode is clever enough to replace all hrefs in the header lines and the body text with hrefs to the "*.print.html" version generated. So when all your crafted htm(l) files are listed in the sitefile then a user with a text mode browser will never errornously leave the text mode oriented mode when clicking on a (website internal) hotlink. It will always end on the printerfriendly "*.print.html" variant.
textmode version | project | features | examples | links |
| ||||
project - navlist - items | lorem ipsum |