
zzip_dir_fdopen, zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io —


#include <zzip/lib.h>
ZZIP_DIR * zzip_dir_fdopen(); 
ZZIP_DIR * zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io(); 


used by the zzip_dir_open and zzip_opendir(2) call. Opens the zip-archive as specified with the fd which points to an already openend file. The zzip_dir_fdopen function then search and parse the zip's central directory.

NOTE: refcount is zero, so an _open/_close pair will also delete this _dirhandle

the zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io function uses explicit ext and io instead of the internal defaults, setting these to zero is equivalent to zzip_dir_fdopen


  • Guido Draheim <> Tomi Ollila <>


Copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 Guido Draheim All rights reserved, use under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1